My name is Monette and I am an intern...
Whew, now I have that confession off my chest we can move on to the good stuff.

There once was an intern with Rollover
She started work in a pullover
She stared at her PC in fear
She almost shed a tear
But then she looked up and it was all over
Right so as we can see I lied and that wasn’t the good stuff.
Moving swiftly on…..
I have been working as an intern with We Are Digital Vision since September 2018 and what a ride it has been! Rollover/Rollercoaster - maybe a bit of both.
My role
I have been working on the development side of the Rollover App and during my internship we have been adding some new and very exciting effects as well as working on the day to day admin of the app, including testing and bug checking.
Stage 1: Setting up my local version of Rollover

Days 1 -14 were the bumpiest - running a localhost app using https wasn’t as straightforward as it initially seemed. I began to look fondly back at the days when that little padlock didn’t appear in my browser and mused on whether the set-up would ever be - well - set up.
Then one day with help from Ahan, there is was - Rollover was running from localhost and my edits were magically beginning to appear on screen. I learned during these two weeks that for all nothing in computing is never easy, when it works the rewards are worth it.
Stage 2: Working on the User Interface Wireframes

I worked collaboratively with Pete and Dan on wireframes for the new effects for Rollover. This was invaluable as I gained an understanding of the settings menus from a user perspective, but also from a technical angle.
Having joined the company with no prior knowledge of Wix Apps this was a great starting point to see how the settings panel was arranged so that when I started the programming side of the internship I could recognise the options available to users.
Stage 3: Analysing proposed effects

I spent time reading and testing code using developer tools to assess the challenges and options when integrating the new effects. At first it was daunting, but as time went on impossible tasks suddenly became possible and my understanding of web languages was improving all the time.
Stage 4: Development work
This was both the hardest and the most rewarding stage. That Eureka moment where everything suddenly clicks into place should be packaged and sold as happiness in a bottle.
Previously I have carried out programming tasks in many languages and certainly web development languages were a feature in my life before I started my internship. The Rollover app was unique however in that we have an extra layer of complexity in using the Wix platform.
Initially the challenge seemed almost insurmountable but lots of little Eurekas led to that wonderful moment where it all clicked and it became clear how all the many, many pieces of the puzzle were to be put together.
By this time I was determined to complete the puzzle piece I was working on all by myself and this is where I am now, so watch this space for my new and shiny effect coming soon….

Summary of the Role of a developer with WADV
I work remotely so spend a lot of time shouting at my computer when my code doesn’t do what I want it to do. Perhaps if I worked in an office I wouldn’t be allowed to shout so this is a plus. A constant supply of coffee is another plus point without a doubt.
The downside of working remotely is if I am stuck I can be stuck for quite a while - I can’t shout over to a colleague and ask for instant help. Luckily Pete is always on hand on Skype to provide support and encouragement - I don’t know how he does it, but he is always there.
The job itself is both challenging and fun in equal measures.
Life as a developer for We Are Digital Vision is never boring and I have felt welcomed and accepted all the way through my internship. I felt comfortable enough to share all my silly mistakes and was so excited passing on any successes to my colleagues.
I have reached a new level of understanding of web and app development and I am now a much more confident developer.
I am very grateful I was given this opportunity and hope to continue my development as a developer long into the future.
Thanks guys!
If you have a passion for animating the web, then tell us why you'd like to join the Intern Program by sending us an email