The ability to foresee problems. Is that the definition? This week has definitely been an experience, one we'll learn from.
The best laid plans
For those of you that follow this blog, you'll have known that we've been through a three-stage, 9 month QA process before we were cleared to release version 2.0 of our popular app, Rollover, to the Wix App Market.
Trust, every one of the 149 editable parameters in the app has been tested, in every way, on every browser. It is stable AF.
Let's be honest, we rushed the final part, the most important part, the psrt where we checked exisitng installs and that the parameters in v1, matched the parameters in v2.
We messed up. (soz)
Only a little, but still, that was enough to earn a slew of one-star reviews, as users realised that some of their settings had not carried over and that they would need to rebuild their Rollovers. This wasn't planned, and the customer support team have been working for over a week to deal with each and every bug.
Thankfully, most people have been totally cool, and we've gotten to know a lot more users, maybe that's the silver lining
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