9 Facts about content:
1. Content marketing vs paid search - content marketing gets 3x the leads per $.
2. Content marketing generates more than 3x as many leads as o/b marketing and costs 62% less.
3. In 1984, a person saw an average 2,000 ads/day. By 2014, they saw around 5,000.
4. Almost half of 18- to 49-year-old people get their news and information online – and those numbers are growing.
5. Small businesses with blogs get 126% more lead growth than small businesses without.
6. After reading recommendations on a blog, 61% of U.S. online consumers made a purchase.
7. Content marketing rakes in conversion rates 6x higher than other methods.
8. The most effective SEO technique? Content creation.
9. Businesses publishing 16-plus posts a month get almost 3.5x more traffic than businesses publishing 0-4 articles.

- stats taken from October 2017
We're having a Meet Up all about creating the right content and using it in the best way to grow your business! Join us at Tramshed Tech, Cardiff on 13th March 2018 to find out more, hear special presentations and ask our experts : Sign up here: